
Frequently Asked Questions

LoyonERP Software Functions


What happens when an order has been voided or canceled?

Is it possible to receive customer deposits?

Yes, it is possible to receive customer deposits. You can receive a customer deposit on the sales panel and use the deposit to offset sales order items


Is it possible to check in a guest on Room Status?

Is it possible to change the rates and charges on a guest folio?

Yes .The system has the provision to change rates on a guest folio.

Is it possible to create a new folio from an existing folio?

Yes, the system allows you to create a new folio from an existing folio

Can the system allow someone to post room charges for several guests at once?

Yes, the system allows you to post room charges for several guests at once. To do this, go to Hodpitality>Front office>Night Audit >Nightly charges. On the Nightly charges panel, check(tick) on the boxes of all guests whose room charges you want to post, then click on the "post" button.


Is the whole procurement process done by the same person?

Is it possible to delete a GRN?

The system does not have a provision to delete a Goods Received Note (GRN).

How does the system update stock levels in regards to stock purchases?

Stock purchases on the system are recorded through the Procurement module. This provides for a means to capture Local Purchase Orders (LPO) sent to your supplier. In order to update your stock data for goods delivered to your facility, you need to create a Goods Received Note (GRN) against the LPO for that delivery. GRN’s allow the user to record the correct quantities supplied and set the unit prices for stock items meant for sale. Once you Receive & Commit the GRN to Stock, then your system stock levels will be updated with the quantities purchased.


Is it possible to create different storage locations for bar and restaurant?

Does the system record consumption of materials?

Yes, the system does record material consumption by use of material consumption


How do I record bank deposits?

Record bank deposits using the bank deposits in the accounts module

How does the system handle AR Invoice payments?

The system has the provision of creating invoices, recording capitation and reconciling invoices.

How will I know how much I am making?

The system has various reports available on the revenue section. Revenue (By Branch), revenue (By Scheme) and revenue (By department) reports.

How do I handle petty cash?

 The system has the provision of recording petty cash.The reports for petty cash is also available under Accounts reports

Is it possible to do a refund for items that have already been paid for?

It is possible to do a refund by cancelling the receipts and the items will be rolled
back to inventory.

Can the system support payment made through more than one payment mode?

The system has a provision of receiving payment using different payment modes


Is the system privileged based?

The system is privileged based and users will be allocated roles that control access to various modules and functionalities in the system.

Does the system have a limit of user access?

No,The system does not have a limit to user access. It depends with the concurrent users.

What happens when a user forgets their login credentials?

Incase a user forgets his password, the user can contact the facility's System Administrator who will reset their password.

Can one user perform various roles in the system?

Various roles in the system are managed by privileges and one user can act more than one role through assignment of privileges.

Human Resource

How do I access the employee Portal?

Employee portal can be accessed from Medicentre Login Page.

Can I do appraisals on the HR Module?

The function was not available in the system at the moment, but it may be considered on future updates.


What is the password for accessing reports?

To access reports on the system, use the password you used to log into the system.

How do I know the financial position of my facility?

To determine the financial position of your facility, you view the Income Statement under Accounts reports.

Is it possible to have a report on all the drugs and revenue collected from Over the Counter sales?

You access a revenue report for over the counter sales.

How do I find stock reports on the system?

Reports related to stock data recorded on the system can be accessed via Reports> Inventory Reports. The user needs to select the desired report, date range then click on View.

How do we access report for mpesa transactions?

All Mpesa transaction reports are available on ledger account history reports>Ledger Account>Cash>Sub-Account>Mpesa Income.

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+254 (0) 789 199 524

